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CT DeMolay Lock-in - April 13 Join Connecticut DeMolay beginning on Saturday April 13th at 3pm at Kennedy High School in Waterbury for the Statewide Lock-in. The cost is $20 per person, Candidates are free (1st line signers are $15). Activities to include a Water Polo Tournament, Dodge-ball, Video & Card Games and Marvel Movie Marathon. State Master Councilor Matthew Lingenfelter and his Suite have worked hard putting together the program for this event. Degree work will be performed. Health/Permission forms may be found here: DeMolay / Candidate & Advisor. Forms should be turned into your chapter. Dad's & Chairmen are asked to bring the chapter's completed registration (with chapter check) to the Dad's & Chairmen meeting on Sunday, March 24 @ 5pm. The Lock-in will end at 7am on Sunday April 14th
| | All Rights Reserved This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder. |