Leadership Training Conference 2023
August 13-19, 2023 May 26, 2023
The experience of a lifetime is waiting for you.
Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is a one-of-a-kind experience for DeMolays to build leadership skills, enhance your DeMolay experience and create memories that will last a lifetime. Spend a week with us on the shore of Lake Merrymeeting in New Hampshire!
Chapter Registration ends June 30, 2023.
Select one of the following four tracks:
The DeMolay Leadership Program

DeMolay International Gets New Executive Director
February 24, 2023
The Grand Secretary Steve Crane is pleased to announce that our recruitment effort for a new Executive Director has been successful. He is pleased to announce the appointment of Alan Kelvin as the new Executive Director.
It is with great pleasure that Grand Master Jon Sellars and I announce the appointment of Brother Alan Kelvin as the new Executive Director of DeMolay International. Alan will officially begin his new position on February 13th.
Alan comes to us with an extensive and…
Region 1 Conclave
January 01, 2023
Here are the Conclave dates for the jurisdictions in Region One:
New Hampshire - June 2-4 -National Guard Training Center
Connecticut - July 14-16 - TBD
Maine - July 21-23 - Thomas College
Massachusetts - August 4-6 - Nichols College
Rhode Island - August 26-27 - Rocky Hill School
Vermont - September 16-17 - Vermont Grange Center
Thank you for your dedication and support of DeMolay,
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