Merit Bars
DeMolay's are eligible to acquire points from the day they receive the Initiatory Degree until they become 21 years old
It will become the responsibility of the DeMolay to track, record and apply (on the proper form) his Merit bar awards
The categories in which Merit Bars are awarded through DeMolay International are athletic, attendance, civic service, conclave, fine art, fund-raising, installing, journalism, correspondence course, masonic attendance, masonic service, membership, merit, priory, religion, scholastic, visitation and ritual.
Each Merit Bar is produced in five (5) colors. Each color designates the number of times a DeMolay has received a bar in that category.
The advisory board through the Dad-in-charge of merit bars will be responsible for acquiring and distribution of merit bars
The previous level of merit bar must be returned to the Dad-in-charge with the application for the next level of achievement.
Merit Bar Record