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The DeMolay Varsity Club Initiative DEMOLAY INTERNATIONAL “Varsity Club” What: Internal marketing and motivation program for active membership and advisory council members. Mission: Create enthusiasm and fellowship for the organization as well as provide opportunity for all members to become active, engaged, and ultimately an “owner” of their chapter experience. As an acknowledgment of their efforts they will be deemed to have “lettered” in DeMolay. Quarterly measurement – “90 Day clock” - Need to perform/complete a task in each of the five (5) areas listed below. “Clock” resets at beginning of new calendar quarter. No carryovers Program Commences – July 1, 2014 – thru June 30, 2015 Qualifications - Active Member: LEADERSHIP: * Mentor a New Member (e.g. – Proficiency coach) * Teach the Chapter Members a new skill – (Presentation/submit online) * Leadership Position – Councilor or Committee Chairman INVOLVEMENT: * Attendance - Six meetings and 2 other chapter events
PLANNING: * Activities – New event or New event to you as the Chairman (Lead & Plan)
NEEDS FULFILLMENT: * One new Member or One new Advisor *Masonic or Community engagement/service
KNOWLEDGE: * Complete & pass Leadership Correspondence Course (LCC) * Complete & earn Representative DeMolay award (RD) * Become proficient in new ritual part. -Perform at meeting or public event.
Qualifications - Advisory Council Member:
NEEDS: * Recruit brand new advisor to chapter council. No “retreads” (New advisor must pass background check and have filed all necessary paperwork and fees.)
INVOLVEMENT: Lead and work with Chapter member to create and execute on a brand new event/activity to Chapter and advisor. Awards: Certificates & “D” Letter shipped out upon completion and certification Jackets: Available for purchase at D.I. store.
Varsity Club Achievement Reporting Form | | All Rights Reserved This website acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder. |